
Usanimals--Parents' Choice for Children's Multivitamins

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 27, 2017
Healthy living is first taught at home. Children always look up to their parents as their role model.  They would admire their parents on the way the dress up, their profession, their preferences, and even the way they take care of their health.  There is a strong likelihood that whatever a child sees as their role model as they grow up, they will...

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How Do You Prepare Meals for Your Loved Ones? Marian Rivera-Dantes Tells Her Secret

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 23, 2017
One of the responsibilities of a parent is to provide healthy meals for their children.   I have written on my previous blog that I do not like cooking; my mom would teach me how to cook when I was younger but it didn't ignite my interest in cooking.  During college, my friends would be the one to check what's inside our refrigerator...

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Taking the Road Less Traveled

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 16, 2017
If you have been following my blog, you will know and understand that my son and I are living an extraordinary life.  We are living in a single parent home, we are homeschooling, I work from home.  I know most people do not understand our lifestyle, but rest assured that we are very much happy about it and enjoy every single moment of...

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Gardenia Pocket Sandwich--Perfect Healthy Snack for Everyone!

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 13, 2017
It's the start of another school year once again for most Filipino families, and one of the concerns of mommies is the food that their child will bring to school.  While some schools have their respective canteens, moms would still like to let their child bring their own food to school because they want to be sure that their child would only eat...

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When Start-Up Entrepreneurs Help Each Other

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 09, 2017
Sharing is caring. Ever since I go actively involved in several groups on Facebook, I've learned how to share experiences and knowledge to people that I don't even know at first.  These people eventually become my friends and I'm glad that through helping, I've grown my network and when I need their help, they're also there to support me :) One of the...

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PayMaya: Mommies' Newest Best Friend

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 06, 2017
Life nowadays is fast-paced; people do not like wasting time so they are finding ways to make things easier for them.  Thanks to technology, people can send emails, check Facebook status, research, listen to music, among others while they're on the go. Like me, I have been maximizing the power of the Internet so that I can do a lot of things.  I...

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