
How Building Up My Blogging Status Has Been For Me (by Kib)

By JJ Nakamura - June 21, 2021
If you've been reading my entries for a while now, you might know that I have experience in blogging and knowing what kind of content I'm writing about. I've been doing this for a while now, actually. In fact, I just started blogging late last year!Now that I've reached this far in my blogging journey, I'll have you know that blogging and building...

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Copyright Law for Bloggers, Influencers, and Content Creators

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 14, 2021
I have been seeing posts of some people crying foul over shared posts claiming that it is their original quote or photo. These people have been complaining that they aren't even acknowledged as the main source of the said quote or photo. They are claiming copyrights over those materials that they have shared online.I, too, have been victimized over such things.Smart Parenting had...

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Things I Learned From Kath Eustaquio-Derla's "Web to Print" Webinar

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 06, 2021
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Games We Love At Plays.org!

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 01, 2021
 Kib and I love playing computer games. I was exposed to playing computer games in the 80s and 90s. My cousin had an Atari console, so we usually played Pac-Man and Space Invaders. Later on, my uncle gifted us with a Nintendo Entertainment System where we enjoyed playing Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, Tetris, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Punch-Out, Duck Hunt, Contra,...

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