
Happy to Serve!

By Mommy Donna and Kib - March 22, 2016

I grew up attending most--if not all--activities in the church.  I was exposed in serving others through medical missions, teaching children, handing out flyers, among others.  I had that feeling of satisfaction and achievement being able to have that opportunity to serve others.  It is also fulfilling the Lord's command to reach out to the needy.

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As a parent, I have a responsibility to teach Kib to be socially responsible.  I wanted Kib to have sensitivity over the needs of others.  I wanted Kib to have a love for nature.  I wanted Kib to have a respect for authorities.

I wanted Kib to have a heart for serving others, that is why I am trying to expose him to several volunteer activities.  Apart from volunteering, I also wanted Kib to learn how to share to others.  You can check my earlier posts about this.

I am so glad that Kib has a heart for serving others.  He gladly gives his time and effort whenever I ask him to help out.  At church, whenever I am assigned to do some volunteer activity, I also ask him to also help out in assisting preschoolers.  Sometimes, he is more makulit than the preschoolers, haha, but I always remind him that he should act more than a kuya because they're younger.  I guess he had already matured this time, hihi.

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Sometimes, Kib would just stop doing something and pray for other people.  I would really like Kib to grow up with fear of the Lord and that he will always rely on Him every time.

What about you, what do you do to raise a socially-responsible child?

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