Erceflora Probibears--The Newest Probiotic Supplement in the Philippines

By Mommy Donna and Kib - May 18, 2018

We all know that we cannot eat all the food that can give us the right amount of nutrition that we need everyday, that is why food supplements are created for us to get all the vitamins and nutritions that we need in one single capsule or tablet.  We also know that not all food that offers good nutrition doesn't taste good too.  Mommies are having a hard time feeding their children certain food because the kids do not like the taste, thus mealtimes are becoming a nightmare.

There are already lots of food supplements in the market, but not all supplements offer the best for our children.  Mommies should be wise to choose the brand that will offer all the nutritional benefits our growing children need.  

It is also a fact that children's tummies are also very sensitive.  They easily get stomachaches if they have eaten or drank something to make their stomachs upset.  Kids tend to have a higher risk of getting digestive health-related diseases such as diarrhea and constipation from harmful bacteria.  When their tummies ache, children cannot bear the pain, clinging to their mommies and crying incessantly.  It also alters the child's mood and his or her attitude for the day.  

When the kids get grumpy due to discomfort, mommies also get stressed.  It's a hard feeling seeing our kids experiencing any kind of pain and discomfort.

Taking probiotics is the best way to have good digestion, experts say.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that help maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract.  Each human has about 100 trillion health bacteria which aids in digestion and help the body defend against illness.  Probiotics can help us in building immunity and protect us from common colds and flu.

We can get probiotics from eating yogurt and certain beverages containing probiotics.  However, the amount and quality of probiotics that our child gets from these products may not be enough.

Good news!  Erceflora ProbiBears, a yummy tummy supplement with the combined two-in-one PROBIO BOOSTERS (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis).  When these two combined, it helps prevent diarrhea, upset stomach, and other digestive disorders to help our kids to have a happy and healthy tummy.  It comes in chewable bear-shaped creams with vanilla flavor.

Mommies don't need to worry on giving probiotics to our children, because it is yummy and it comes in one small size, easy to swallow and digest.  

Erceflora ProbiBears will be available in Mercury Drug by June 2018 (SRP: Php540 for box of 20 chewable bears).

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