Eat Healthy This 2019!

By Mommy Donna and Kib - March 09, 2019

Every year, we always make a New Year resolution that we will be a better version of ourselves.  We usually write down things that we either avoid or do more, like avoiding doing bad habits and improving our health. 

Honestly, it's really hard to turn into a brand new person in a short period of time, but with intense desire and determination, for sure, you will be able to achieve whatever you desires in your life.

One of the most common New Year resolutions that we usually do is to start a healthy living, and yes, it is one of the hardest things to follow.  First quarter of 2019 is not yet over, don't worry!  You can still jumpstart your promise of starting a healthy lifestyle.

If you don't know where to start on living a healthy lifestyle, here are the most basic things that you can follow:

1.  Drink enough water

We all know that drinking water is essential for the body.  However, what most of us don’t realize is that proper hydration plays a key role in our health.  When we lack water, we feel dehydrated; and if we feel dehydrated, we feel hungry, causing us to eat more.

Water helps the human body function well and it also helps in maintaining a healthy weight and eliminating toxins. So, start drinking water as a habit by drinking at least eight to 10 glasses every day.

2.  Avoid fast food

Fast foods like French fries, burgers, pizzas, doughnuts, among many others, are high in sodium, fat, and sugar. Eating too much of it over a long period of time increases your risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Going to fast food joints on a regular basis is an indication of unhealthy eating habits. As much as possible avoid going to fast food restaurants.

3.  Choose the better option

Some of the food that we enjoy eating are often not good for us. It is essential to look for healthy alternatives. For example, you can replace your regular fries with sweet potato. This slightly sweeter option is high in fiber and vitamin A and low in calories than your usual potato. You can also replace the classic hotdogs and burgers with a sandwich made with natural ingredients. 

By choosing the better option, you are ensuring the health of your family and the quality of the food you and your family consumes.

4.  Pack a healthy lunch and snacks for work or school

Packing lunch and snack for you and your kids is not only a good way to save money but is also an effective way to eat healthier since you know what ingredients are into it.

When you prepare your own food, you are able to control the quality and the amount of food you eat. It also helps you to avoid unhealthy food choices from the cafeteria, restaurant or fast food.

Beko, one of the popular home appliance brand, is highly recommending that you cook instead of buying food outside.  Beko is every mom's partner in making a family healthy by preparing healthy and delectable dishes.  Beko is encouraging every family to start eating healthily and to have a more active lifestyle.

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