Kib the Blogger: Now Retold by Kib Himself

By JJ Nakamura - July 24, 2021

 6 years ago, my mom wrote a blog entry on how I became a blogger. Since I'm blogging again, I wanted to do a retelling of this blog by rewriting it and adding my recent blogging journey to this retelling. I just wanted to do this, since I had just passed my renaissance phase of blogging.

Now, why don't I bring you guys back to 2015, which was when I started to write blogs. Since my mom wasn't good at writing when she was young, she would encourage me to follow in her footsteps. That was when I first got into blogging. 

I didn't really know much about computers at the time, so I would mostly just use a laptop to watch YouTube or play Adobe Flash games on the internet. And now that I'm training in being a blogger, I would start using an old laptop to write blog entries. 

My blog writing process was very slow at the time. Why? Well, let me explain. Firstly, I had to write a draft on pen and paper. I wasn't able to make digital drafts for me to just copy-paste yet, which sucked. Next, I would copy down everything I wrote down to make a new entry. Simple, right? Not really. My typing system was still beginner level since I would just use my index fingers to type, unlike my current typing system where I would use my index and middle fingers to type (which is still just as fast as typing with all of your fingers, not gonna lie).

Then after that, my first and only blog on my first domain was born. You can read it here, though I'd doubt that you would find anything useful there. A few weeks or months after my first entry, I instantly lost interest in blogging and never wrote again.

Now, fast forward to 5 years later, about late 2020. My mom wanted me to take on a new hobby to keep myself busy with my new laptop, so I decided to find fun and exciting ways to keep myself busy. That was when I rediscovered blogging. Considering that I'm aspiring to be a vlogger where I tell about stuff I like, I wanted to stick to a less public and cheaper way to share my interests. So, why not blogging?

And then there I was, staring at my computer screen, thinking about what to do next. Since I know that strangers would be reading my content, I had to go under a pen name to keep my identity hidden and to keep myself safe. That was when JJ Nakamura was born. And then shortly after I had picked out my pen name, the name just stuck as a nickname (primarily the JJ part), since I wanted to have a friendly and catchy nickname others can call me. And besides, JJ is just the initials of my first and last name.

After I had set up everything for my blog and named it, it was time for me to make my first entry. Things started to set sail from there. And shortly after I had made my first entry, my mom decided to reach out to me about my writing skills and ask me if I could contribute to this site, which I would then agree to. 

However, since I had few interests at the time, my content was kind of stale at the moment, so tend to write on and off for the remainder of the year and during early 2021. Then, after finding out about the Amazon Prime superhero animated series, Invincible, and heard about some pretty cool games on the internet, I started to write regularly once more. Things were going smoothly for me there. However, at the time, since I'm a big fan of the aforementioned show, Invincible, I wanted to write regularly about it, so I decided to make 2 recaps of the show (with the second part currently being made). Unfortunately, that never stuck.

And then along came Yakuza, which is now considered to be one of my favorite video game franchises of all time. After playing the remake of the first Yakuza game, Yakuza Kiwami, I decided to blog about Yakuza regularly now, since the series itself is not only awesome, but it's also bizarre.

And then that brings us to today. I'm almost done typing out this entry about the retelling of my blogging journey and blogging renaissance. Thank you for sticking with me throughout my journey, everyone. -Kib

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