9 Ways To Keep Your Digestive System Healthy and Happy

By Mommy Donna and Kib - June 07, 2018

It is essential to keep all systems in our body in good working condition.  If one system isn't working properly, other systems are also affected.  We cannot function very well if one body system isn't in top working condition.

One of the body systems that helps us in our daily living is our digestive system.  Our digestive system is the one that distributes the nutrients that we get from the food we eat to other parts of our body.  It forms a bacterial balance within the digestive tract and eliminates the excess and other things that are needed by our body through the excretory system.  When the bacterial levels are balanced, our digestive tract protects the immune system by boosting our body's natural defenses.

We experience poor digestion, fatty liver, and gastrointestinal diseases like constipation and chronic inflammation when we have an unhappy and unhealthy digestive system.  It can lead to various health issues, like liver cirrhosis, diabetes, thyroid and colon problems, among others.

I usually experience bad tummy when I feel stressed, when I ate bad food, or I ate too much.  I cannot function very well if I have a stomachache.  I frequently visit the toilet and I feel weak that I just want to lie down in bed all day.  Having a bad stomach can affect my diet and activities for the day.  I immediately take medicine to make me feel better so I can go back to my activities the following day.

Sadly, most people do not pay attention to our digestive system.  Oftentimes, we just take it for granted when we are feeling minor pains and we only take action when everything gets worse and treatment take its toll on our finances and daily living.  

Dulcolax and Essentiale Forte P, two of the world's leading digestive health products, join hands in a campaign to make our digestive system happier and healthier.  These two brands took action during the celebration of World Digestive Health Day last May 29th, reminding people about the importance of keeping their digestive system happy and healthy.

With this, Dulcolax and Essentiale Forte P has come up with a list of new habits in taking care of our digestive system:

  • Ditch heavily-processed carbohydrates, like white rice and white bread as they can cause inflammation.  Instead, go for whole grains like oats and quinoa.
  • If possible, remove refined sugar from your diet.  Use a sugar substitute if you can.  Refined sugar is believed as one of the causes of constipation and it slows down food transit time in the digestive system.
  • Snack on raw almonds instead of chips.  Nuts, along with vegetables, seeds and beans, are healthy, natural sources of fiber.
  • Drink more water instead of drinking coffee or bubble tea.  Water helps keep our intestines smooth and flexible so that our stools can easily pass through our colon.
  • Natural sources of probiotics like cultured foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and atchara (Philippine pickled papaya) are all rich in organic acids which support the growth of good bacteria.  Miso, which is used for soups and sauces, is very rich in probiotics.  Yogurt, of course, is the most popular source of probiotics.
  • Choose salmon over steaks and fried chicken.  Salmon is rich in good fats which keeps our liver in healthy condition.  A fatty liver is a sign of an unhealthy digestive system and will surely affect our overall health.  Essentiale Forte P can help our liver in its top shape.  It contains essential phospholipids which repair damaged liver cell membrane, regenerate lost phospholipids and restore normal functions of the liver.  A healthy liver means a happy digestive system.
  • Poor food and beverage choices, antibiotics, and stress are killing off good bacteria in our gut.  Normally our gut is filled with both good and bad bacteria, but we need more of a good bacteria to stay healthy.  Take a daily dose of probiotic supplement which can help with our digestion and stimulate the immune system.  Try to avoid eating flavored fries, which is full of carbohydrates, fats and sodium.  
  • Learn more about probiotics from your doctor, schedule an appointment as soon as possible!
  • Include laxative-rich food in your diet like aloe vera, olive oil, coconut water, figs, prunes, and dates.  In lieu of these foods, take Dulcolax.  It stimulates bowel movement and treats constipation and other bowel irregularities.  Dulcolax is world's number 1 laxative which gives us a relieved and happy tummy in the morning.

In short, we must be aware of everything that we eat.  Eat more healthy dishes than unhealthy ones to save ourselves from illness and to promote overall well-being and better health.  Consult your doctor when you feel symptoms of illness.  Our digestive system plays a major role in building our immune system so treat our body with good food and probiotics.

Have a healthy tummy always!

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