
Applying for Solo Parent ID

By Mommy Donna and Kib - April 19, 2016

You know that I am embracing single parenthood so much.  I really enjoy being a mom to my unico hijo because we always do things together.  Now that my son is nearing his tweenies--and eventually teens--, I am now cherishing the last few moments that I have with him because for sure that the time will come that he will no longer wants to go with me anymore.  Actually there are times that he would ask me if I can just leave him at our house whenever I need to go somewhere.   If only security is not an issue, I would leave him at our house for few hours.  I know he can take care of himself and he has been briefed very well about entertaining people whom he doesn't know, but it's the other people whom I do not trust.  Imagine that, my son is already slowly veering away from me and trying to live a life apart from me...I think my heart will break, waah!

I have already heard about the Solo Parent Law (RA 8972) way back but I didn't bother learning more about it.  I mean, I do not know if it will make a difference in my life should I apply for an ID.  This has been enacted in 2000 but it's weird that our government isn't really making focus on implementing this law.  I have asked some solo parents if they have availed of an ID and was able to enjoy the benefits of being a solo parent as mandated by law.  Based on my inquiry, some have enjoyed an additional 7 days parental leave from their companies but this is not convertible to cash if it is not availed within the year.  Aside from that, no other benefits from the government has been availed by these solo parents.  

Based on the law, the solo parent can also avail of services from DOH, CHED, TESDA, NHA, DILG, DSWD.  However, I haven't heard of any solo parent who have availed of the services given by any of these government agencies.  In addition, any solo parent whose income falls below poverty threshold as set by NEDA shall be eligible for assistance; however, the solo parent will undergo an assessment by a DSWD personnel to be able to avail of this benefit.

I have tried applying for a Solo Parent ID in our municipality, and here are the requirements:

  • 2 1x1 ID picture
  • filled up application form
  • birth certificate of child (18 years old and below)
  • barangay certification of residency (should be residing in the barangay for more than six months)
  • proof of income (income tax return)
  • proof of being a solo parent

For the proof of income, I said that I am a freelancer and I just do raketeering that is why I do not have an income tax return.  For the proof of being a solo parent, I attached the court petition for absolute nullity of my marriage.

I got my Solo Parent ID after a week.

I noticed at the back of the ID that it has an expiry.  That means, I have to apply for Solo Parent ID every year as long as I'm a solo parent.

I do hope that the government agencies mentioned above will really keep their promise that they will provide additional services to solo parents.  Let's see how this privilege will work for me and my son.

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