
Things To Do Before I Reach Another Milestone

By Mommy Donna and Kib - July 01, 2016

I may look young because I'm petite, and I fool a lot of people whenever I ask them to guess my age.  People always guess my age incorrectly and I feel kilig whenevever they tell me that I don't look like my age.  I think I can pass as an Olay endorser, hahaha.

Anyway, my birthday this year is my last year of being an early adult.  Next year will be a milestone for me (Life begins...).  This year is the year that my most of my school batchmates will turn 40.  Waah, I'm scared to begin the next chapter of my life!  Though they say that 40 is the new 20 and age is just a number, still, your body grows old.  Our energy level is not the same before and admittedly, our health is already starting to deteriorate.  Most of my friends are older than me and they are already complaining of some health issues that they are already taking some maintenance.  Last December, I just had my check-up and I'm so happy that my doctor still gave me a clean bill of health.

There are things that somehow I will be able to do before my birthday next year.  Reason why I also delayed doing some things that I personally wanted to do is because I wanted to do together with my son.

Here are some of the things that I wanted to do before I reach 40:

  • Go mountain climbing again (waah it's been more than a decade since I last had my hike.  Some of my friends are still into it but I just can't leave my son for a weekend climb.  I also wanted him to experience this.)
  • Travel abroad (my son and I have been travelling locally, but I do not have much funds to travel abroad.  Hopefully I would be able to go to a nearby country)
  • Do water rafting (it might look scary on the photos, but I think it's fun, hoping that I can schedule a trip to Cagayan de Oro for this)
  • Learn a new skill (I just enrolled at an online course, Javascript for Beginners at Udemy, hopefully I will be able to finish it on the least possible time. I still wanted to enroll to a brick and mortar school though, I miss the feeling of going to school)
  • Have a business (I am not really entrepreneurial, but somehow I still wanted to have a business that I can call my own.  My friend and I have been always planning on putting up a business but we're both busy with our families.  Hopefully this year we will be able to concretize something already)
  • Eat something exotic (though I am not sure if I will be really able to do this because I easily get grossed when something unusual is being offered to me)
  • Go on a date (seriously! I miss dating, haha...application is ongoing, lol)
  • Lose more weight (I'm happy that I was able to lower my weight and maintain it to normal BMI levels, but if I can I'd still like to lose more.  My balik-alindog is ongoing, haha)
  • Continue my discipleship journey (I missed being active in church, praying to the Lord that He'll use me in His ministry more)
  • Volunteer in one NGO activity (I have been doing volunteer activities at church, but praying that Kib and I have an opportunity to serve people outside the church)

There you go!  I've shared my bucket things before I reach of 40. I'll update this list every now and then and put a check mark if I was able to make it or not.  Stay tuned!

Happy birthday to us!

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